Anxiety and worry are a part of most people’s everyday lives, and to some degree they act as a necessary warning signal to prepare us for dangerous or difficult situations ahead. When the responsibility of motherhood is introduced, anxieties are often heightened by thoughts of being responsible for another life, as well as increasing demands from your household and family. For many mothers, these pressures can lead to feelings of anxiety so severe that they begin to interfere with daily life. Instead of aiding their functioning as a parent, the constant feelings of worry, fear, and dread can leave many mothers in a state of overwhelm and panic.
Mothers suffering from chronic, generalized anxiety often report many of the following symptoms:
Muscle tension
Racing thoughts
Physical weakness
Poor memory
Fear or confusion
Inability to relax
Constant worry
Shortness of breath
Poor concentration

Left untreated, these symptoms can lead to what you may fear the most- inability to be your best self as a parent, employee, spouse, or contributor to the family as a whole. You can be faced with sleep disturbances, family and marital issues, difficulty carrying out daily activities, loss of self esteem and motivation, and an inability to fulfill your responsibilities at home, work, or school. Mothers who have their anxiety manifest in the form of anger can feel bitterness, guilt, and out of control.
While it seems like anxiety may have no answers, there are numerous ways to go about lessening its effects and bringing it down to a much more functional and manageable level. My preferred ways to approach chronic anxiety for mothers is through the use of ACT, Mindfulness, and development of peer support. ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) gives us the ability to accept our particular circumstances and feelings during this admittedly difficult time in our lives, and commit to changing the way in which we perceive and interact with our environment. Mindfulness training teaches mothers the importance of self care and gives them instruction on how to stay focused on the moment, how to take things in stride, relaxation exercises, and gratitude expressions. Finally, developing outside sources of true support is crucial for mothers so that they feel validated and connected to others, especially those going through similar circumstances.
Facing and conquering your anxiety as a mother may seem scary or unattainable, but I promise there is hope and that you possess the strength needed to begin this journey.